Compliance Assured Through ISNetworld, PEC Premier, PICS & BROWZ

Customer Testimonials

What Our Customers Say

  • I am in the process of closing out the GM Shreveport job and want to applaud Cleaning Contractors Inc. for your support with this project, I appreciate working with a flexible, motivated and cooperative group, and though this project was not without its challenges we were able to complete the entire scope of work in a safe, effective and efficient manner. Your team under the leadership of Scott Woodward completed the entire project with ZERO SAFETY INCIDENTS, maintained a great work ethic, a clean and orderly work environment and positive attitude. Again thank your team for their efforts on this project, they did a great job! I look forward to working with CCI again.

    Phil Rodgers
    LaGeneral Manager | Rickman Enterprise Group, LLCwyer

  • I have utilized Cleaning Contractors Incorporated (CCI) to perform various industrial cleaning duties within an industrial manufacturing plant of which the company I work for operates under a facility management agreement. CCI performs in a safe, efficient manner. Their cost and quality continue to include them as a valued supplier for me. I would recommend CCI for any industrial cleaning need. I would be willing to discuss in specific detail any concerns or questions you may have regarding potential opportunities for CCI.

    Jon C. Brach
    LaAccount Manager | Newmark Grubb Knight Frankwyer

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