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Industries Served


The entire aerospace industry takes in several public institutions and private corporations that have a focus on either research, technology or manufacturing of related products. While aerospace is considered a new industry, its part in communications, air travel and national defense make it one of the largest industries of this century. Plus, the aerospace market is only going to gain in importance as the years go on. People who work in aerospace have jobs that range from assembly line workers to physicists.

The industry was first born in 1908 when the U.S. military gave a contract for one airplane to the Wright Brothers. Up through the mid-20th century, defense issues drove most of the aerospace industry. Since then, the aerospace market has grown considerably. Eventually, wartime aviation was retrofitted for commercial or civilian use. Military pilots secured jobs in civilian aviation. In the first years of the 21st century, aerospace seemed to take off globally. Government programs, like the international space station, were able to use technology and resources much more efficiently. Corporations, specifically ones involved in military technology, use the aerospace industry for a variety of reasons as well. While military contracts are still such a large part of aerospace, global communication plays an equally large role. Businesses that once developed equipment specifically for the military have expanded to offer commercial and corporate aircrafts.

Today, the Aerospace Industries Association has hundreds of corporations on its list of members, spanning multiple countries across the world. Just about every type of technological industry has some connection with aerospace. Standards in the aerospace industry propel research at colleges and universities. Every single industrialized company employs aerospace workers and training is available in several different education settings, from technical high schools to major universities. From space travel and aviation to communication industries, aerospace has become a predominant market.

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